About Us
Revolutionizing the IP field in the Czech Republic.

How it began
Since 2017, we have been protecting new innovations and ideas of enterprises, start-ups and academic institutions. Always strategically oriented towards bussiness.
We believe that patents, trademarks, industrial and utility models are not only neccesary for commercialization and product protection, but crucial for creating a competetive edge.
We are proud of the successes of our Czech and foreign clients and we always make sure that the chosen intellectual property strategy meets the client’s business goals.
Thanks to our network of trusted local IP professionals, we are able to provide our services basically all over the world.
Our company is registered under the reg. no. 2521 in the Chamber of Patent Attorneys of the Czech Republic.
Leader in IP protection in the Czech Republic

We consistently rank high among the most prestigious rankings of intellectual property professionals.
Our team
We value a relaxed atmosphere and open communication, both within our team and towards our clients. Great results don’t just happen; we regularly upskill, whether it’s at the Industrial Property Office or through external and internal training sessions.

Michal Jordán

Ivan Lukšíček

Jan Muroň

Dana Tomíčková

Václav Gelnar

Filip Korbel

Martin Hudoba

Radek Tihelka

Hana Mazochová

Libor Lanč

Vít Richter

Lenka Pilná

Cecílie Mizerová

Michaela Mazáčová

Alena Bačová

Veronika Doskočilová

Pavel Beneš

Kateřina Ježová

Marcela Klimešová

Blanka Šalšová

Vratislav Harabiš

Ladislava Krásenská

Aneta Lokajová

Kateřina Krystýnková

Tamara Juriňáková

Tatiana Fialová

Šárka Bula Švihálková

Eva Zbožínková

Alena Komárková

Kristýna Sedláčková

Barbora Juriňáková

Barbora Stáncová

Vlastislav Hozák

Pavlína Silná

Michaela Hanusová

Tomáš Zejda
Adéla Bačová
Katarína Valúchová

Vlasta Dadejová

Romana Démuthová

Alena Vrbická

Kateřina Davidová

Magdaléna Hájková

Dana Tomíčková

Václav Gelnar

Filip Korbel

Libor Lanč

Vít Richter

Lenka Pilná

Cecílie Mizerová

Alena Bačová

Pavel Beneš

Vratislav Harabiš

Aneta Lokajová

Tatiana Fialová

Eva Zbožínková

Vlastislav Hozák

Vlasta Dadejová

Alena Vrbická

Radek Tihelka

Hana Mazochová

Libor Lanč

Michaela Mazáčová

Blanka Šalšová

Vlasta Dadejová

Martin Hudoba

Kateřina Ježová

Marcela Klimešová

Kateřina Krystýnková

Tamara Juriňáková

Kristýna Sedláčková

Barbora Stáncová

Pavlína Silná
Adéla Bačová
Katarína Valúchová

Romana Démuthová

Alena Vrbická

Kateřina Davidová

Jan Muroň

Libor Lanč

Veronika Doskočilová

Ladislava Krásenská

Šárka Bula Švihálková

Alena Komárková

Barbora Juriňáková

Vlastislav Hozák

Pavlína Silná

Michaela Hanusová

Tomáš Zejda

Magdaléna Hájková
Your advantage
Understanding your industry
Direct communication
You are in charge
Professional & specialized tools
All under one roof
World-wide protection
No waste of time waiting

Leading Czech companies trust us with the protection of their intellectual property.
And we take great pride in contributing to their successes.
We are a part of the innovation ecosystem
We mentor, lecture, and are members of several organizations that help ideas make their way into the world.

Want to strategically protect your innovations, brand or design?
We’ll help your ideas enter the world, starting with a non-binding initial consultation.